Tutorial for new users of Mighty Submitter

Before we start submitting our first gallery using Mighty Submitter, let's make a short overview of all submitter sections, to have an idea what they stand for.

Browser - Just a built-in browser on Internet Explorer engine. Can be very useful from time to time.

Profiles - a place where you setup your gallery information and your personal info, such as nickname and e-mail address. You can have as many profiles, as you wish. Each profiles stores information about one virtual webmaster, his last gallery and even Internet Explorer cookies, that can be swapped on the fly!

Generator - this is a place where you generate a queue, setup templates and output directories and generate gallery mirrors. You can also place recips here by simple mouse move!

Manual - manual submitter. You have your manual queue here and a web browser. Submitter fills all the forms for you, so you just have to verify the data, correct anything when necessary, and click submit button!

Auto - completely automatic submitter. Submits your galleries in multi-stream mode, fully automated.

Confirmer - a built-in tool to confirm e-mails. Can confirm all types of letters, even those where you're intended to click on a link and fill ID manually.

Results - this is a result archive. Stores all your auto and manual submissions, and confirmations. You can resubmit any submissions from here.

Database - a place where you can add, edit or remove items. Fully controlled by you, can be updated from internet using Tools -> Update database. By the way, the first thing you should is online database update.

Relations - here you can setup relations between different database items (TGPs). It's divided in groups of two types - friends and enemies. You can have any number of each type groups. To make two TGPs friends, just put them into one group of friends. This data will be used in queue generation.


Well, that concludes our very short review of all Mighty Submitter sections. Now we're ready to submit our fisrt gallery! Please note that this tutorial won't give you full information on all profiles fields and program functions - please read manual for that information.

Step #1 - Profile setup:
First of all you should setup your gallery information. All profile data is divided in sections, let's consider the most important ones:

  Gallery information
  Number of pics/movies - put the number of pictures here
  Gallery URL - put the full path to folder containing your gallery files, like http://www.site.com/gallery001/
  Recip URL - for TGP submissions this should be same as Gallery URL
  Base gallery file name - base part of gallery mirror file names. This will be used to generate mirrors for your gallery
  Base file extension - extension for base gallery file name, described above. Usually html
  2257 page URL - put a full URL to your content's 2257 page
  Gallery content - choose your gallery content here, in our sample it's pictures
  Gallery type - let's assume you're not planning to remove your gallery soon, so it's type is Permanent.
  Gallery descriptions

Four built in descriptions are available so far, please fill them in (you most probably don't need last one - it's used to submit to Link Lists in our standard databases)


First of all decide how many categories do match your gallery, and set that number in the first section's field. Then set all categories. Probably you noticed "strange" usage field near each category - let's explain what does it mean. It specifies usage for selected categories. You see - each category can be used in two ways: for queue generation and for form filling or both. More detailed information can be read in manual, but so far please set all usages to "Queue generation and form filling"

  Thumbnails from HDD
  Four built-in thumbnail sizes, but you can easily add new ones - read manual for Custom fields. Please create all thumbnails and fill paths to them on your HDD. You can use built-in thumbnail creator: Tools -> Thumbnail maker.
  Webmaster information
  Please specify your nickname, e-mail address and any comments here
  Recip settings
  Specify default number of recips for your generated mirrors and folder on your server, where recip images are stored
  E-Mail submission settings
  To submit to mail TGPs you have to setup your e-mail address, nickname and SMTP server data. You have to create a letter template, that will be sent to mail TGP owner. All this can be done in this section.

Step #2 - Generating and uploading your gallery:
Here we shall see how easy it is to generate and upload gallery in Mighty Submitter.

To generate a queue, please click the Create queue button. You will see a filter dialog, that allows you to choose if you want to include sites, that require partner accounts and thumbnail uploads, etc. You can leave the default settings - it will be fine.

After the queue is generated, you must setup your gallery template to generate file names and then - files. To begin, please click Template file settings button. Please setup your gallery template file there (make sure you inserted <!--recips--> macro there) and generation output path there. You may also setup FTP settings there if you wish to upload your gallery on FTP server using Mighty Submitter. All other options can be left with their default values for the first time. Let's take a glance at some of them:

Gallery file naming - you can select a suffix to be added to your gallery mirror file names. It can be either number of letter comination or both.

Search for macros in these files - add file extensions where you want Mighty Submitter to search for macros during generation.

After that please click Generate names button right under Template file settings one. When file names are generated and recips are arranged, you may edit recip arrangement by dragging any TGP to any position. When this is done, please click Generate files button to generate gallery mirror files and upload them on FTP when necessary.

Step #3 - Manual submit:
Manual submission in Mighty Submitter is easy as a piece of cake. Just click Start submitting button or double click any TGP in your manual queue to begin submission. When form is loaded and filled, verify the data and click Submit button on a form. After submission to first TGP is complete, you can move on to next or previous items using appropriate buttons (there are shortcuts: CTRL+Left arrow for previous and CTRL+Right arrow for next item), or jump to any item you like by double clicking it. That's it.

Step #4 - Automatic submit:
Automatic submit is even easier than manual - just click Start submitting button to begin, and multistream submission will start. You can monitor each stream activity by selecting appropriate tab or just any site in the auto queue, watch how submitter fills forms and clicks buttons. That's it - enjoy!

Step #5 - Confirming your submissions:
First of all we should have a short review on Confirmer section. It's divided in four sections - Mail inbox, where your incoming letters are stored, Confirmer streams, where you can monitor confirmation process, Account settings, where you setup your POP3 mail accounts, and Mask settings, where you setup what and how should be confirmed. We will not discuss Mask settings section here - it's sometimes non-trivial, so please refer to manual for that kind of information.

Well, what you need to do first of all is to add at least one POP3 account. To do that, please switch to Account settings tab fill the input fields, and click Add account button. After your first account is added, you may switch back to Mail inbox tab and click Get new mail button to receive your confirmation letters. Sit back and relax while confirmer leeches all e-mails from your mail server, and after it's complete, please click Start confirm button to begin confirmation process.

After that multi-stream confirmer will be begin it's work. It's really fast, so don't go far away, and after it finishes his work, that will be it - you have successfully completed your first submission with Mighty Submitter! Was it difficult? For sure it was not!

For more detailed information on submitter features and functions please refer to user manual, which is accessible here.

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